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How To Create High-Converting Landing Pages

Written by GetCraft | Aug 2, 2019 4:13:16 AM
A high-converting landing page is critical to any content marketing strategy, and every marketer must know how to create one that works.

But first: What exactly is a landing page?

A landing page is a standalone page on your website where visitors are led to perform a specific action. This in itself is a pretty simple concept; the hard part is making sure that it effectively convinces visitors to take action EVERY TIME.

Think of a landing page as where you close the deal. Whether it’s to make a sale, collect information on potential leads through a lead capture form, or increase likes on your social media assets—a landing page is where the action takes place.

However, faced with the challenge of holding people’s dwindling attention spans, marketers must commit to designing landing pages that can trigger instant conversions.

To create landing pages that convert almost 100% of the time and dramatically increase marketing ROI, we suggest keeping the following in mind:

1| A good landing page is targeted to a specific set of people. 

For a landing page to be considered effective, it must be able to convince the majority of its visitors to take up whatever offer that’s on the page. It would be easy if people had the same needs, same motivations, and same interests—but they don’t. Which is why each of your landing pages must have be tailored to different audience segments.

To make sure your landing page gets seen by the right people (i.e., those who are most likely to take action on that particular landing page), you must target it to a specific stream of traffic, say, from a specific Facebook ad, email, or your very own content portal.

For example, people who read your newsletter from an email marketing campaign could be directed to a subscription page for your blog. Why? You can assume that someone who clicked on your email newsletter and followed it back to your site is interested in more of your content—and that they are more likely to convert on a landing page that promises them precisely that. This means creating a headline, body, and call-to-action (CTA) according to the characteristics of this particular set of people.

2 | Don’t just create something that “looks good.”

While the overall aesthetic of a landing page is essential, it should do more than just look clean and pretty. There are multiple components to keep in mind, such as how the landing page’s branding and imagery align with that of the Facebook ad that directed users to it, or how the positioning of important elements contribute to positive user experience. 

You must also pay strong attention to the most crucial element of your landing page, which is the call-to-action (CTA) button. Make sure it is the only button/link on your page and that it can be seen right away, without having to scroll to the bottom of the page. Remember, your goal is to prompt immediate action—which means that you must not confuse your visitors lest you want them to leave the page out of frustration.

3 | Write crisp and compelling copy.

A successful landing page will have an eye-catching headline and a subheadline that is exciting or intriguing enough to get visitors to stay on the page. The content written on your landing page must be able to communicate your point quickly and clearly, and must be written specifically for the readers whom you want to convert into leads. Again, you are targetting a specific group of people, and the only way you can convince them to take action is to talk to them directly.

4 | Leverage the power of context.

Hubspot suggests that you can also use your landing pages to deepen your targeting and better sell to your visitors. How? By using progressive profiling to adjust your lead capture forms’ questions and length based on previously completed forms. For example, when a person who has already provided basic information on their first visit (e.g., name and email address) lands on your website again, you can customize the form to ask further questions that give you deeper insights on what they are interested in. This way, you can better segment your contact lists and nurture individual leads throughout the buyer’s journey.

A high-converting landing page is a key to success for any kind of online business. Once you master how to create beautiful and targeted landing pages that enhance user experiences and convince people to take action—you’ll be seeing great ROI in no time.

The GetCraft Marketplace is an excellent place to start if you’re looking for experienced writers and graphic artists that could help you create compelling copy and eye-catching visuals for the landing page you envision for your next campaign.
Visit the GetCraft Marketplace
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